Can you believe 3 years ago on September 18 2009 I had my Joshua. My how time flies. A lot has happened in the last 3 years. It has not been easy but we are taking it a day at a time.It has been amazing to see the ways that he has grown in the 3 years since he was born. He just recently had to have tubes placed in his ears for ear infections poor little guy and that only 2 weeks before his birthday party. He does not let anything slow him down for long. The day of his surgery he was up and playing hours afterwards like nothing had happened. This little boy of mine is going to give me gray hairs well before his teenage years. Oh Lord help me when he finally does become a teenager. :)
The Park I chose this year did not work out so well . I do not think we will be having another party there. I thought the bathrooms would be open they where not and it a Saturday . The kids had fun running around playing and as you can see even the adults had fun being silly mainly Jimmy. I love him tons but sometimes I wounder if I do not have 3 children on my hands. You know what on second thought I know I do . : )
This is him this is my Josh on the day he was born. He has grown so much and is such a little handful. He may get into everything and be a bit of a Nothing mommy when he is up to something but I love him so much and am so thankful that this little boy is mine. The lord blessed me in so many ways when he gave me my 2 boys.
What a special little handful he is! Looks like he had fun at his party and yes we all know that you have three children to deal with lol. Love the newborn pic. You make cute babies..but you know that =)