Monday, July 16, 2012

Just Fishing

 Well after church on Sunday we decided to go fishing at the guana tolomato matanzas perserve. we did not catch a fish big enough to eat but we sure caught a lot of blue crabs. The boys had fun fishing and swimming both. I usually do not like to fish but as I was catching the blue crabs like crazy I had a great time. Also as I was fishing I did not take a whole lot of pictures but I did get a few. These are also pictures of the crabs after I cooked them as I forgot to take any before LOL next time I will.

This is the view as you walk from your car. there is a little beach and then water as far as you can see. it is truly a lovely little spot .

 As you can see the boys all had fun that is Jimmy way out in the water fishing away. Jamey and Josh both love to fish but they will swim just as quick . Jamey has finally also gotten to where he will go out in the water to his neck . It is amazing because he would never do that till now.

The Catch!

 Here they are 14 blue crabs all cooked up and ready to eat a little garlic and butter and we are good to go yum.... I caught most of them YAY me !!! this is the web site for the place we went.