Jamey's school held water day on Tuesday. They had kindergarten and 3rd grade and the rest of the school over the next 2 days. Jamey was so excited about it but out of 7 water slides he only went down 5 . He was not happy with 2 of them.
They also had pop ice as the kids called them to help keep the cool. Jamey's sub Teacher Ms. McKinley also got in the act and went down a few slides. She s the dark haired lady in the pink shirt in the one picture. The little blonde girl is Krissy she is in Jamey's class and goes to our church also.
I almost forgot the camera and had to run back home for it. Lucky me I only live about 6 minutes away from the school.
I stayed and helped till after lunch as there where about 16 wet kids and one bathroom in the class so I walked them 2 at a time down the hall to the bathrooms so they could change . Jamey then talked me into having lunch with him and as it is end of year and he has asked me a few times I stayed and had lunch with him and one of his buddies fro our field trip to the zoo. Friday is the last day of school for the year I can not believe how quickly it has flown by.
I added this picture of Jamey from the first day of school as a look back .
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