Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Silly Time

He was proud of himself.
Silly little grin
cutting up and being silly
This was a christmas present from Gin she got it for Josh but Jamey rides it just as often.
Jamey has a sucker in his mouth he earned it as a reward for saying 6 of his sight words with out help .
I am not sure what this face is but he is just so cute.

My boys where being silly and playing nicely together today. Josh was even giving Jamey cuddles in the last picture. I love my boys they are so cute when they are playing together. Josh seems to get bigger everyday with the more pictures I take I see it. Jamey will be starting school this August if everything goes as it should. I can not believe he will be 5 in May.


  1. Good grief, those boys of yours are CUTE! Isn't it funny how you take a picture of your child, then take another one one week later and you already see changes?!

    Gin =)

  2. Oh, and I'm glad they like the present =)
