Thursday, January 22, 2015

We are doing Good

 Thanksgiving with Family and Friends

Job Interview


                                                        Heart Heroes Dinner
Things Have been rough I am taking any Job I can get . The boys get to see their father twice a week as he has supervised visitation. He has no contact with me  for one year and the divorce has been filed and is in the works. I am taking one day at a time but it is Hard the boys are my reason for living and going on.  I am also looking for full time work as the part time is not keeping us a float very well. but God is so good things always work out right when I need them too.   I would have never went down this path o my own choice but this is the hand life dealt me. I will keep keeping on for their sake.   We will be fine I firmly believe this and am surprisingly  happier then I have been in years. I did not  understand until my domestic violence therapist explained somethings to me. I got this I can do this. I rock and I will thrive with my boys.