Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

 Doing Flips

 Me and my Boys.

I had a really wonderful Mother's Day.  I got to go to Saint Augustine to the beach and light house . I got in the water even it was a little chilly . My boys had a blast which is all that matters.

For those that know we are having a few problems right now Jimmy is working but has not gotten paid so we do not have a home phone or internet at this time. So I will not be doing to many posts . I a using friends and the public library for my internet service right now. Say a prayer for us as things are difficult right now. I have graduated with my AA and a applying for a job at a local christian school for next year. We do still have both of our cell phones if anyone wants to call and talk to us you can still reach us on there. I will let everyone know when things change.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


It is Official I have my AA degree in elementary education. Yay me!!