Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pizza Pan

I had a run in with a pizza pan the other night . It is not pretty but not very bad either. Jimmy does not say anything to me anymore when I get hurt just sort of looks at me. I think this is because I get hurt often. It seems to run in my family.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Jamey took Pictures

OK even if he does have his own camera, Jamey still likes to get a hold of my camera at times .As he usually gets some pretty good pictures I can not really say anything. These are some of the best ones he took today. Yes the one of his daddy is blurry and I am not sure why he took the one of his boots but hey give the kid a break he is 5.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day with my Parents

My mom and niece are heading back to Oklahoma Monday and so we went to spend the day with them before they leave. My Dad is still going to be here as he is waiting to get his truck fixed before he heads out. So I will get to see him again before then . But I took pictures of them playing with the kids and the kids playing together. Jamey is not happy they are leaving and I really do not blame him. But we have kept telling him they would have to at some point.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sleeping Boys

Well all 3 boys are asleep at the same time tonight which is rare Nick is usually up after my 2 are in bed. He might still be sleeping because he is in his swing. Poor little guy is congested along with my 2 so I am letting him sleep in the swing as he can rest better right now. Josh apparently did not want to sleep in his bed tonight and so he pulled everything out of it and went to sleep in the floor so I had to put him back. Jamey is loving the bunk beds and climbs up with no problems. I am posting a picture of the bunk beds for those that have not seen it yet.