I went outside tonight to tell Jimmy and Jamey that dinner was ready and this is what I found Jamey getting a lesson in how to change a tire. Jimmy made sure he was safe and then finished up himself but I thought this was so cute I just had to Post. Jimmy broke down the tries and changed them to different rims himself and Jamey helped put them on the truck.
This is my crazy boy he is a cut up. He likes to make you laugh. He is also a really good big brother he takes time to play with josh and to help me with him. he does get mad sometimes at his brother when his brother tries to eat his stuff. But hey he is 4 . I love this little face.
This silly boy was playing all over the house today after smearing bitter biscuit all over my carpet. He does not want to hold still for anything any more. But I just love this little guy.
Well, he is standing on his own. Pulling up on everything and trying to walk. He is 9 months old . Jamey walked at 9 months and do not think Josh will be to far behind. He is so happy with himself . Every morning when we go to get him he will be standing on the side of his crib grinning from ear to ear and he has a wonderful little grin.
Jamey took the picture of Josh and I . I took the rest. Josh had pulled himself up in his bed this is why we lowered the bed the other day. Jamey likes to play under his brothers bed seems he thinks it is his hiding spot. I find it a pretty good spot myself. I still can not get video to load but as soon as I can I will post some.
Daddy took this picture. Jamey rode this thing almost none stop for over 5 hours. I will take a better picture later . He got this from his great grandfather for his birthday. It says ages 2 -6 but it is pretty sturdy I bet he can play with it even longer they 6 and Josh will be able to play with it when he gets bigger. I love my boys so much. They are the center of my world and I would do anything for them.