Down the road we go wow look at that snow Well we saw some snow on the trip we made. This is what comes of going to the Mountains of KY and NC on a road trip it sure was pretty.
We took a trip to Kentucky this past week to see some family for Christmas. My grandparents got to see Josh for the first time and I got to meet Kerry Lu my friends new little girl. over all it was a really good trip but so very tiring.
Well it is family picture time again . We do this ever year for my grandparents for christmas and just for everyone else also. I am thankful this year for alot of things but, I am most thankful for my beautiful family. Merry Christmas
We took these the other night when we put up our christmas tree. My Boys in their new christmas PJ's They are both mickey mouse christmas and both blue this is as close to matching PJ's as i could get . Jamey wanted them to have the same ones he was happy with these.