My ex husband is not paying his child support and work has not called me in a while so I have no money and I am really starting to worry. My kids need the basic things in life and this mommy does not know what to do. I also keep hearing all these lies my ex is spreading that I had an affair and that is why we divorced which is not one bit true . The truth is he cheated about the whole time we where married and verbally then physically abused me. I have prof of every thing .
My Boys and I are just taking things one day at a time one prayer a time. He has super vised visits with our boys until such a time as he does batter classes then he gets them every other weekend which has me freaked out but he is their father and the judge did say that he does on toe out of line they will reinstate supervised visits again.
My ex has been telling everyone that Justin is the reason for the divorce but it is not true Yes I am moving on and Yes Justin is who I am moving on with. But he came after the divorce and the injunction of protection against Jimmy. I hate that people will believe his lies .